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文章来源:句解霸 | 更新日期:2016-03-24


1) 修饰动词

You can put it down anywhere. 你可以随便放哪里都行。 (表地点)
The company will go bankrupt unless business improves.. 如果生意再无起色,公司非倒闭不可。(表条件)
The meeting has been called off last night after the deadly explosion. 昨晚发生致命爆炸袭击之后,会议已经被取消。(表时间)
Seeing nobody in the office, she had to leave a note. 看到没有人在办公室,她只好留下张便条。 (表原因)

2) 修饰形容词或副词(状语)
Most of them are completely innocent. 他们中大多数人是完全无辜的。
This is a highly effective way to refine sugar. 这是一个制糖的高效方法。

They will arrive here pretty soon. 他们很快就会到达这儿。
Eggs are extremely well adapted to men's needs. 蛋极易适合人的需要。

3) 修饰整个句子的状语。
Frankly, I think his lesson is very boring. 坦白讲,我觉得他的课很枯燥。
Most likely, they’ll have to pay a high price for it. 他们很可能要为此付出很高的代价。

4) 起连接作用的状语
There has been a big increase in foreign trade last year. In addition, foreign funds are more effectively utilized. 去年外贸有大的增长。此外,外汇更有效地利用。
He missed the train and therefore missed the accident. 他没赶上那班火车,也因此逃过了车祸。
The role of the father in the traditional family was to provide for his family. Similarly, the father in the modern family is expected to do so. 传统家庭中父亲的角色是供养家庭。同样,现代家庭里的父亲也被期望这么做。

上一篇: 可以充当状语的词和结构
下一篇: 状语的位置

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