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文章来源:句解霸 | 更新日期:2016-04-14


虽然从句一般都包含句子的要素如主语谓语,但从句不能独立成句,只能充当主句中的某个成分。从句前面一般由引导词如that, who, whom, which, when, why, how, whether等作引导。下面就各种从句举几个例子,各种从句的详细知识可看相关章节。

1) 定语从句
The letter gave them all the information that they needed. 这封信给他们提供了所需要的一切信息。
The advice that we have got was of no avail. 我们得到的建议完全没用。
The one who drives a car is my younger brother. 开汽车的那个人是我的弟弟。

2) 状语从句
If you pull too hard you will break the rope. 如果你太用力拉,就会把绳子拉断。
He was thrown into unemployment when the factory closed. 他在工厂倒闭后被迫失业了。

3) 宾语从句
Can you estimate how long it will take to go to the station? 你能估计一下去车站要多久吗?
He can not decide when to leave. 他没法决定什么时候动身。

4) 主语从句
What you say does not accord with the previous evidence. 你所说的与以前的证词不一致。
That mathematics is the base of other science is known to all of us. 众所周知数学是其他科学的基础。

5) 表语从句
The reason I’m here is because I need to get my bill. 我在这儿的原因是我需要拿到账单。
My suggestion is that you should adapt yourself to the new job as soon as possible. 我的建议是你要尽快适应新的工作。

6) 同位语从句
Tears filled her eyes at the thought that she might never see him again. 一想到她再也见不到他,她满眼是泪。
They have no ideas what they should do next. 他们不知道接下来该做什么。

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