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few, little, a few, a little 的用法

文章来源:句解霸 | 更新日期:2013-06-23

few 和little 都表示“很少”,有否定的意思,相当于“几乎没有”。
few作代词时,指代可数名词,表示人或其他东西;作限定词时,修饰可数名词。little 作代词时,指代不可数的东西, 但不能指代人;作限定词时,修饰不可数名词。 few 为 many 的反义词,而 little 则为 much 的反义词。

a. 作代词
Few of our football players played well. 我们的球员中没有几个踢得好的。
Few can denied his brilliance. 几乎没有人能否认他的才华横溢。
You've done very little for our family. 你几乎没为我们家做什么贡献。
Little of his work is satisfactory. 他的工作没多少让人满意的。

b. 作限定词
Few people attended the meeting this morning. 今早的会议没有什么人参加。
The few houses we have seen are in terrible condition. 我们见到的为数不多的几所房子都非常糟糕.
We had little rain all summer. 一夏天几乎没下雨。
There's little point in telling her the truth now. 现在告诉她真相已没什么意义。

a few 表示“有几个,有一些”,a little 表示“有一点儿”,两者都有肯定的意思。
a few作代词时,指代可数名词,表示人或其他东西;作限定词时,修饰可数名词,作定语。a little 作代词时,代表不可数的东西,但不能代表人;作限定词时,修饰不可数名词,作定语。

a. 作代词
Only a few of the applicants are suitable for this job. 只有少数申请者适合做这份工作。
I met a few of my friends in this bar. 我在这家酒吧里和几个朋友碰面。
Try and eat a little. 试着吃一点儿吧。
Tell me a little about his illness. 告诉我一点他的病情。

b. 作限定词(作定语)
I only have a few pennies with me. 我身上只有几便士。
He asked me a few questions about psychology. 他问了我几个关于心理学的问题。
Let's have a little wine before sleep. 让我们睡前喝一点儿酒吧。
Could you give me a little more information about the accident? 你能告诉我多一点关于那场意外的资料吗?

上一篇: many, much 的用法
下一篇: both, neither, either 的用法

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