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文章来源:句解霸 | 更新日期:2016-05-19


1) less than 是一个比较常用的表示“少于,少于,不到”的搭配。
The diameter of most cells is less than 50 micrometers. 大多数细胞的直径小于50微米。
We shall graduate in less than a year. 我们用不了一年就要毕业了。
It's less than five minutes' walk to the nearest bus station. 最近的公交车站步行不到5分钟。

2) 介词 below 和 under 也可以表示“少于”“在……以下”
Children under 12 go for half-price, and children under three are free. 十二岁以下儿童半价;三岁以下小孩免费。
Anyone with an annual income of under $5000 may be eligible to apply. 凡年收入在5000美元以下者均可申请。
The temperature remained below freezing all day. 温度整天都在冰点以下。
Her work was well below average for the class. 她的功课远在班上的平均水平以下。
Children below the age of 16 are not allowed to see this film. 16岁以下的儿童不允许看这部电影。

3) or less 或更少
The average time between collisions is a picosecond or less. 两次碰撞之间的平均时间间隔只有一皮秒或者更短些。
If we have two more members to work on this project, we can finish it in two weeks or less. 如果我们有多两个人参与这个项目的工作, 我们就能够在两周或更短的时间内完成。

上一篇: 英语大于、多于、超过表达方法
下一篇: 英语表示“大约,差不多”的方法

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