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文章来源:句解霸 | 更新日期:2013-06-23

指示代词包括: this, that, these, those。这些词当用作定语时也称为指示形容词。指示代词在句中的用法如下。

1) 作主语
This is my house. 这是我的房子。
Those are Mary's clothes. 那些都是玛丽的衣服。
That was thirty years ago. 那是三十年前的事了。

2) 作宾语
Can you carry these? 你能提一下这些(东西)吗?
Tom gave me this. 汤姆给了我这个(东西)。
I hope you will seriously consider this. 我希望你认真考虑这件事。

3) 作介词宾语
Look at that! 看那个!
What do you think of this? 这个怎么样?
We have no doubt about these. 我们对此并不怀疑。

4) 作表语
What I bought just now are these. 我刚才买的就是这些。
The winning numbers are these. 获奖号码是这些。

5) 作定语 (也称指示形容词)
That internship taught me a lot. 那份实习工作教会我许多。
These questions are difficult to answer. 这些问题很难回答。
I don't think your car is in that room. 我想你的车不在那个房间里。

a) that 可以代表刚说的事。
That's why I love you so much. 这就是为什么我如此爱你。
That's the problem! 这就是问题所在!
That's the current situation. 这就是现在的情况。

b) this 和 that 在电话中可以指人。
Who's this? 你是哪位?
This is Mary. (电话中)我是玛丽。

c) that 和 these 可代表前面提到的名词以避免重复。
Life today is much better than that in the old days. 现在的生活比过去好多了。
Your designs are more impressive than these. 你的设计作品比这些精彩多了。
My questions are similar to these. 我的问题和这些差不多。

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