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文章来源:句解霸 | 更新日期:2013-06-23

a. 通常在动词词尾加s, 如: work -- works create -- creates
b. 动词如果以ch, sh, s, x 或 o 结尾时,需加es, 如: teach -- teaches fix -- fixes
c. 动词以辅音加 y 结尾时, 先变 y 为 i, 再加 es, 如: cry -- cries reply -- replies
d. be(助)动词单数形式在一般现在时和现在进行时中写为 is, 在过去时态写为 was。
e. (助)动词have 的单数形式写为 has。
f. 当主语为 I 时, be 动词单数形式写为 am,过去时用was。

She works hard from morning to night. 她从早到晚辛勤工作。
He teaches modern Chinese literature in the university. 他在大学教现代中国文学。
When the curtain rises, Juliet is writing at her desk. 幕启时,朱丽叶在办公桌旁写东西。
He is a genius. 他是个天才。
The water is boiling. 水正开着呢。
He was only three years old when his mother died. 他母亲去逝时他才三岁。
The river was threatening to overflow its banks. 河水大有决堤之势。
The notice was put above the door. 布告贴在门的上方。
She has three kids. 她有三个小孩。
He has cheated me. 他骗了我。
I am afraid of him. 我很怕他。
Hearing that news, I was really sad. 听到那个消息后,我真的很伤心。

上一篇: 现在分词的构成法
下一篇: 谓语动词与非谓语动词

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