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文章来源:chinadaily | 更新日期:2014-05-05
Chinese air force trains monkeys to remove bird’s nests

A military airport has sought the help of monkeys to remove bird's nests that pose a threat to flight security, according to the official website of the Chinese Air Force.

The person in charge of a bird-clearing team told reporters that large numbers of migrating birds begin nesting near the airport in March every year, which creates hazards for planes. (1)

The nests must be removed, but shooting them down or knocking them down with bamboo sticks costs much money and effort, he said. (2)

The team has trained two rhesus macaque monkeys to accomplish the job this year, which have removed 180 nests in the past month.

Wang Yue, a superior officer, said birds will not nest in the same place after the monkeys have destroyed their homes.
一位名叫Wang Yue的高级官员说,猴子摧毁了他们的家之后,鸟儿就不会再在同一地方筑巢。

(1) told 为谓语,采用一般过去时。reporters 为间接宾语。 that 为连词,引导宾语从句。这里是 “动词 + 间语 + 宾语从句” 的句型。migrating 为现在分词作定。begin 为谓语,采用一般现在时。nesting 为动名词,作宾语。which 为关系代词,引导非限制性定语从句。creates 为谓语,采用一般现在时。动词采用第三人称单数形式。

in charge of... 主管;负责;掌管
migrating bird正在迁移的候鸟
migrate vi. 1) (随季节变化)迁徙 2) 移居,迁移
hazard n. 危险

(2) said 为 say 的过去式。 removed 为谓语,采用被动语态。shooting 为动名词,在句中作主语。 down 为副词作宾语补足语(即构成复合宾语)。knocking 为动名词, 与 shooting 并列。costs 为谓语,采用一般现在时。动词采用第三人称单数形式。

shoot...down 击落..., 击毙..., 枪杀...
knock...down 推倒(建筑物), 拆除
effort n. 1) 艰难的尝试,努力 2) 气力,精力,脑力
bamboo n. 竹,竹子
stick n. 1) (木质或塑料制成的)棒,棍等 2) 树枝,枯枝

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