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文章来源:句解霸 | 更新日期:2014-01-12

1. 用比较级和than搭配表示比较
1) 形容词比较级和than搭配表示比较
He is taller than her younger brother. 他比他弟弟高。
Europe has less land than Canada. 欧洲的面积比加拿大小。
Mary is more beautiful than anyone else in her company. 玛丽在公司里比其他人都漂亮。

2) 副词比较级和than 搭配表示比较
He came earlier than Peter. 他比彼得早到。
Light travels faster than sound. 光比声音传播得快。

3) 形容词或副词比较级前可以有修饰语
a) 比较级前可加much, a lot, far, a bit, a little, slightly 等表示程度的词。
Life was much harder than it is today. 那时的生活比现在苦得多。
These tomatoes are a little cheaper than those.这些西红柿比那些稍便宜点。
He ran much faster than Peter. 他比彼得跑得快很多。

b) 比较级前也可加 any, no, some, even, still 等词作修饰语。
Peter is no cleverer than her sister. 彼得没有他姐姐聪明。
Is your father any better at all? 你父亲有些好转吗?
Sally drives fast, but Olive drives even faster. 萨莉开车开得很快, 奥利夫开得更快。

c) 数量词也可作比较级的修饰语
My brother is three years older than I.我哥比我大三岁。
Cotton output is 57 percent higher than last year.棉花产量比去年高百分之五十七。

2. as…as 和 not so/as…as 结构
a) as…as 用于表示 “和…一样”。第一个as 后跟形容词或副词的原型。
He is as handsome as his brother. 他和他哥哥一样英俊。
He can run as fast as you. 他能和你跑得一样快。

b) not as…as (或 not so…as) 为as…as 的否定形式,意为 “不像…那样”
This dictionary is not as useful as you think. 这本字典不如你想象的那样有用。
This song is not so popular as the other. 这首歌没有另一首那么受欢迎。

c) 第一个as 前可以有表示倍数的词如three times, twice等。
Their house is about three times as big as ours. 他们的房子大约有我们房子三倍大。
This bridge is twice as long as that one. 这条桥有那条的两倍长。

d) as…as 结构的第二个as也可以是连词,连接状语从句。
Judy goes to the movies as often as Sara does. 朱迪像莎拉一样时常去看电影。
Please drink as much as you like. 请尽情畅饮。

f) as + adj + a/an + noun + as 结构
He is as good a cook as Peter. 他和彼得厨艺一样好。
She's as good an actress as she is a singer. 她当演员和当歌手都一样出色。

3. more than 和 less than
more than 意思为“超过, 不只”,less than 意思为“少于, 不到”。
There are less than ten people in the meeting. 到会的不到10个人。
She has collected more than 3000 stamps in the last 10 years. 过去10年中她已经收集了超过3000张邮票。
Green tea is more than a way of life in South Korea. 绿茶在韩国不只是一种生活方式。

more than 和 less than 前可以有表示程度的修饰语如much, a lot, far, a little 等。如:
He teaches us a lot more than Peter did. 他教我们的(知识)比彼得多很多。
The number of computers available is far less than what we need. 现有的计算机远少于我们所需要的。

4. no less than 意思为“多达”“不少于”
The audience was no less than five thousand.  听众不少于五千人。
No less than 100 people offered to buy it. 想买它的人多达100个。

5. 另一种表示比较的方法是通过在名词前加上倍数。
This room is twice the length of the other, but much narrower. 这个房间的长度是那个房间的两倍, 但窄得多。
Your office is three times the size of ours. 你的办公室是我们办公室的三倍大。

6. more…than…结构
He is more hungry than tired. 与其说他累了,倒不如说他饿了。
You may also find that reading has become more fun than work! 你或许也会发现阅读已经变成是有趣的事,而不是工作。

7 the same (…) as 句型:表示 “和….一样/同样”。the same 后边加名词。
My friends wear the same clothes as I do. 我朋友和我穿同样的衣服。
My cousin is the same age as me. 我的堂兄(弟)年龄和我一样大。
I think the same as you do about the matter. 我对此事的看法和你一样。

上一篇: there be 句型

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