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“宁愿......也不要...... ”英文用法竟如此简单!

文章来源:句解霸 | 更新日期:2022-01-14

英语交流以及写作中,当想要表达我“宁愿做某事”时,除了想到prefer to do,还有没有别的表达呢?其实还有一个十分常见的搭配,可是我们却常常忽略,那就是would rather... than...的用法。以下是此表达详细辨析,学会正确使用它,能让作文润色不少。

(1)She would rather die than give a speech. 她宁愿死也不愿演讲。
(2)I would rather apply for an advanced degree than look for a job. 我宁愿申请高级学位也不要找工作。
(3)He would rather starve to death than be a thief. 他宁可饿死也不愿沦为小偷。

大家发现了吗?此句型一般为:主语+would rather动词原形①+than动词原形②。意为“宁愿A也不要B”,表示比起做B,更愿意做A。如(1)中A代表die(死);B代表give a speech(演讲),切记时态一定要用动词原形哦!!!

would rather...than...(宁愿做A也不要B)用法中还涉及一些用法,以下几点需要注意:
如:I would rather go skiing than skating next week. 我下周想去滑雪,不想去溜冰。
句中A代表go skiing(去滑雪),B代表(go) skating(去溜冰),表示宁愿滑雪也不要溜冰。其中than后面的动词原形go就省略了。

同理我们再看一个例句:They would rather invite their headmaster to dinner than their head teacher. 他们宁可请校长吃饭也不请班主任吃饭。
句中A代表invite their headmaster to dinner(请校长吃饭),B代表(invite) their head teacher (to dinner) (请班主任吃饭)。其中省略了invite以及后面重复的to dinner。

(2)当would rather出现在疑问句中,表示“宁愿A还是B”,此时用or连接,表示选择。
如:Would you rather walk or take the bus? 你宁愿步行,还是坐公交车?
—— I would rather take the bus (than walk). 我想要坐车而不是步行。

最后一个提醒是would rather通常缩写为’d rather。使用的时候要注意看清楚哦!

上一篇: 表示原因的单词与短语
下一篇: could have done 和 should have done 要如何使用?又有何区别?

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