award 和 reward 的区别
有很多英语单词的中文释义区别很小,然而它们在实际运用上却不能等量齐观。这些单词大家往往都比较熟悉,但是有时却很难真正区分。今天先让我们一起区分 award 与 reward 吧。
首先我们先来看 award。award 既能作动词也能作名词。分别是:
* noun(可数)
① 奖;奖励(a prize or other mark of recognition given in honour of an achievement)
② 报酬;赔偿;津贴(an amount of money paid to someone as an official payment, compensation, or grant)
* verb (及物;通常接双宾语)
把(某物)授予(某人);给予(某人)报酬,奖励(give or order the giving of sth as an official payment, compensation, or prize to sb)
发现了吗?award 的英文解释是对于某人成就给予一种肯定或表彰,表示一种敬意;或者是给予某人正式的奖励、报酬或补偿。
* noun(可数,不可数)
① 奖励;回报;报酬(a thing that you are given because you have done sth good, worked hard, etc)
② 报偿;报应(a fair return for good or bad behaviour)
③ 赏金;酬劳(a sum that is offered to sb for helping the police to find the criminal or for finding sth that is lost)
* verb(及物)
酬谢;奖励(make a gift of sth to sb because they have done sth good, worked hard, etc)
通过划线部分的比较,已经能看出二者之间的区别了:reward 着重获得此报酬是因为曾经付出过劳动或服务、帮助过别人;由于做善事(坏事)而获得的善报(恶报)。
总结:award 强调给予奖励,而被奖励人不一定对奖励者做过同等的付出,比如运动员获得奥运奖牌就用 award;而 reward 关键在于词缀 re-。词缀 re- 有两个意思:(1)return, go back(回到原处);(2)against(反对)。reward 中的 re- 表示(1)的意思,着重表示获得回报是因为曾经有过付出,奖励者曾经收到被奖励人的帮助或服务。
上一篇: see, look, watch 的区别
下一篇: incident 和 accident 的区别