pcmag.com  2016-05-28
China-based Huawei, one of the leading smartphone makers in the world, is suing Samsung. The company announced this week that it has filed lawsuits in the US and ...
难度: 四级   词数: 300
A woman rushed past security and threw a shoe at Hillary Clinton in Las Vegas on Thursday, but it missed and the former US secretary of state laughed off the ...
难度: 四级   词数: 244
chinadaily  2014-01-14
China succeeded in its first 300-metre saturation diving on Sunday morning as three divers returned safe and sound from deep water to the living chamber on the ship. ...
难度: 四级   词数: 180
dailymail.co.uk  2014-01-12
He has a delicate brushstroke and an eye for colour that would give Picasso a run for his money. So it's all the more impressive that this impressionist painter is ...
难度: 六级   词数: 0
usatoday.com  2014-01-11
A Chicago area family received an unexpected belated Christmas present this week: a photo album from the Obamas. Alane Church told NBC's Today show on Thursday that ...
难度: 四级   词数: 233
voanews.com  2014-01-08
Reports from Antarctica say a Chinese icebreaker and a Russian research vessel broke free from thick ice on Tuesday, with both vessels moving toward open waters. ...
难度: 四级   词数: 155
Hong Kong media mogul and philanthropist Run Run Shaw, aged 107, passed away at home on Tuesday morning, announced Television Broadcasts Limited of Hong Kong. TVB ...
难度: 四级   词数: 205
French commuters travelling to and from Paris are now able to take an English course as they whizz through the French countryside. The scheme, which was launched ...
难度: 四级   词数: 359
Many of us use them several times a day without really noticing. And yet the way we are in lifts, or elevators as they are known in the US, reveals a hidden anxiety. ...
难度: 高二   词数: 300
yahoo.com  2013-12-31
Dreonna Breton has an 18-month-old son and another child on the way. But the 29-year-old Pennsylvania woman has also suffered three miscarriages. And so when her ...
难度: 四级   词数: 202
yahoo.com  2013-12-29
Cold weather and dark skies can make just about everyone feel lethargic at times. The feelings known as "winter blues," are more than just your imagination. It's a ...
难度: 六级   词数: 274
There was once a professor of medicine, who was very strict with his students. Whenever he took the chair on the exam committee, the students would be in fear, ...
难度: 高一   词数: 245
sciencedaily.com  2014-01-08
"It's well known that people who communicate face-to-face will start to imitate each other. People adopt each other's poses and gestures, much like infectious ...
难度: 六级   词数: 358
It happened one morning 20 years ago. A British scientist Alec Jeffrey came across DNA fingerprinting: He identified the patterns of genetic material that are unique ...
难度: 高二   词数: 343
.telegraph.co.uk  2013-12-18
The best time to drink a cup of coffee to get your daily hit of caffeine is between 9.30am and 11.30am, according to neuroscientists It may seem that a cup of strong ...
难度: 四级   词数: 612
sciencedaily.com  2013-12-18
The flight season timing of a wide variety of butterflies is responsive to temperature and could be altered by climate change, according to a UBC study that ...
难度: 六级   词数: 335
In earliest times, men considered lightning to be one of the great mysteries of nature. Some ancient peoples believed that lightning and thunder were the weapons of ...
难度: 高一   词数: 249
I always feel sorry for world leaders busy dealing with fights between nations. When my three children were young, most days it was hard keeping my house from ...
难度: 高一   词数: 303
My newlywed husband said the same thing every morning. "You're beautiful today." One glance in the mirror revealed that it was far from the truth. A skinny girl with ...
难度: 四级   词数: 356
Are morning people born or made? In my case it was definitely made. In my early 20s, I rarely went to bed before midnight, and I would almost always get up late the ...
难度: 高三   词数: 348
She left her shoes, she took everything else, her toothbrush, her clothes, and even that stupid little silver vase on the table we kept candy in. Just dumped it out ...
难度: 六级   词数: 548
articlecity.com  2013-12-18
It's normal to hear time management discussed in business circles; yet, it is a topic that can be of great benefit to everybody. Time is a challenge for all of us, ...
难度: 四级   词数: 539
pcmag.com  2016-05-28
China-based Huawei, one of the leading smartphone makers in the world, is suing Samsung. The company announced this week that it has filed lawsuits in the US and ...
难度: 四级   词数: 300
gigaom.com  2013-12-18
Hampton Creek is now selling its plant-based egg products at Whole Foods in California. The company -- which is a little over a year old and is backed by Khosla ...
难度: 托福   词数: 286
odditycentral.com  2013-12-18
Many people have tried to make money in less conventional ways, but most of them failed, or worse, ended up committing fraud. Gary, on the other hand, is just a nice ...
难度: 六级   词数: 412
about.com  2013-12-18
1) Do what you love. You're going to devote a lot of time and energy to starting a business and building it into a successful enterprise, so it's really important ...
难度: 四级   词数: 654
yahoo.com  2013-12-18
She wasn't a top student or star athlete, but Kristina Ellis, 26, managed to earn half a million dollars in college scholarships by the time she graduated high ...
难度: 四级   词数: 643
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